Foundations for Preschoolers Games

Learning Math | Counting & Quantity | Learning Letters | Shapes,Colors & More..

Foundations for Preschoolers Games

Early Childhood Education Games

Learning Math | Counting & Quantity

What will we learn in Foundations for Preschoolers?

We will learn counting, numbers and math, play creativity games, design shapes and forms, learn the alphabet, have fun identifying which one doesn’t belong, practice motor skills and coordination, get acquainted with opposites, raise a family of dinosaurs, learn the names of flowers and colors, practice memory skills and more… just watch!

The Early Childhood Education Games is tailored for ages 2 to 5. In this story, Donny (the friendly dinosaur) uses the assistance of the forest animals to find his family. Your child will learn about  mutual assistance, numbers, counting and the relationship between quantity to number, the ABCs, shape recognition and spotting differences, simple and complex shapes, bodies, opposites, and behaviors, with content and activities suitable for three age levels: 2-3, 3-4, 4-5. The game has more than 60 enjoyable learning games, focused on the practicing and strengthening of abilities and coping with new life skills.

The Early Childhood Education Games uses technology that allows us to use the child’s own name to provide tailored feedback throughout the game. Thus, we boost the child’s self-confidence, strengthen his attention and concentration, and develop his independence.

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Early Childhood Education Games

Foundation for Preschoolers

Learning Math | Math Games

* Learning numbers & quantities
* Quantities distinguishing (more/less) 
* Number & quantity relationship 
* Math exercises – addition up to 20

Combined math games for preschoolers for learning counting, quantity, and number. At the highest level, the user will learn and practice addition up to 20, preparing him for math.

Foundation for Preschoolers

Learning letters | Vocabulary

* Learning the alphabet
* Learning synonyms
* Knowing printed letters & their names
* Meeting with opposites

Learning the alphabet (printed letters) and expanding vocabulary while listening to the game story. Practicing listening and hearing comprehension (via the game instructions).

Foundation for Preschoolers

Foundations for Preschoolers Games

* Geometric figures games
* Color Games for preschoolers
* Quantity & Shape distinctions
* Visual & auditory memory
* And more…

Foundation for preschoolers’ games include activities for the joint work of teachers, parents, and children engaged in the development of skills and knowledge in preschoolers.

Early childhood education games

Kindergarten Preparation

| Emotional preparation

* Enjoyment through studying
* Understanding instructions & their implementations
* Developing independent activity
* Dealing with failure & success

The game combines a story whose content is about giving and receiving help. The leading character tells the story while instructing, teaching, and supporting your child. Listen to the story and use its guidance.

Early childhood education games

Which skills will be developed?

* Coordination & fine motor movement
* Direction & spatial orientation
* Visual & auditory Memory
* Listening & concentration skills

Children’s computer games are a tool that contain activities to promote their preparedness for independent life in terms of motor and emotional skills.

לימוד חשבון

Upon purchase, you will get the download files to install on your computer

The Foundation for Preschoolers Game

  Develops Learning Motivation

Develops Attention and Concentration Skills

Encourages Independence

Encourages Creativity and Imagination

"We wanted to say Thanks! to all our customers who chose us to develop their children’s skills. Thank you to the 18,000 children who play our games every day, the educational institutions in Israel, the museums, and preschool teachers that chose us. We work hard and enjoy creating the games…"    The artNsmart Team 

משחקי יסודות לגיל הרך

Learning the Foundations for preschoolers | Math games | Early childhood education games